Young Adult Empowerment Series

We are so exited to be hosting a youth-oriented empowerment series designed to guide and support young adults in the neurofibromatosis community. Join us as Jeffrey Malone (Licensed Mental Health Counselor) and Anne Patterson (Director of Patient and Clinic Outreach at NF Northeast) lead sessions designed to tackle the challenges associated with chronic illness and young adulthood by fostering peer discussions and providing resources & support.


Monday, September 16th (7pm EST) – Tools for Social Anxiety

Join us for our first of three sessions in our Young Adult Empowerment Series. This session will focus on social anxiety and tools you can use when connecting with other young adults. Jeffrey Malone, MS, LMHC and Anne Patterson, Director of Patient and Clinic Outreach at NF Northeast will be facilitating the sessions.




Monday, September 30th (7pm EST) – Transitioning to Adulthood

Join us for our second Young Adult Empowerment session focusing on how to be your own best advocate as you transition to adulthood – medically, socially and in work/education settings. Jeffrey Malone, MS, LMHC and Anne Patterson, Director of Patient and Clinic Outreach at NF Northeast will be facilitating the session.




Monday, October 14th (7pm EST) – Achieving Goals with a Chronic Illness

Please join us for our third and final session of our fall Young Adult Empowerment series. The focus will be identifying hurdles of living with a chronic medical condition and establishing tools to help you achieve your goals. Jeffrey Malone, MS, LMHC and Anne Patterson, Director of Patient and Clinic Outreach at NF Northeast will be facilitating the sessions.