Young Adult Empowerment Series – Session #3
ZoomOctober 14th - Join us for this session focused on identifying hurdles of living with a chronic medical condition and establishing tools to help you achieve your goals!
October 14th - Join us for this session focused on identifying hurdles of living with a chronic medical condition and establishing tools to help you achieve your goals!
October 15th - NF/SWN expert and genetic counselor, Amanda Bergner, will discuss various aspects of family planning across the lifespan for people with NF/schwannomatosis and their loved ones.
October 29th - Join us the evening of Tuesday, October 29th for our third annual fundraising hike, this time with a spooky Halloween theme! Festive Halloween attire encouraged!
November 5th - Mike Sager, Patient Education Manager with Alexion Pharmaceuticals, will share tips and strategies on how to advocate for yourself at home, work, medical appointments and more.
November 9th - The Malerba family invites you to join them at Anthony’s of Malden from 6pm to 11pm for a fun-filled fundraising evening that features delicious food, great music, exciting raffles, casino tables, and more!
November 16th - Shop to benefit a cause during our Kendra Gives Back event where 20% of purchases made in-store or online will directly benefit NF Northeast! Learn which locations are hosting an in-person shopping event here...
November 19th - NF patients and their families/friends are invited to join us at 7pm for a community-building virtual chat!
December 7th - Join us for a relaxed night of drinks and appetizers in Hartford, Ct to meet and connect with other NF locals!
December 10th - Mike Sager, Patient Education Manager with Alexion Pharmaceuticals, will share useful tips for having better conversations with your healthcare providers/care team using tools like the Conversation Planning Worksheet.
December 12th - NF patients and their families/friends are invited to join us at 7pm for a holiday community chat!
January 18th - NF patients and their families/friends are invited to join us at 9am for a community-building virtual coffee chat!
January 28th - Mary-Frances Garber, expert genetic counselor, will shed light on the various emotions/concerns that many NF families experience and teach strategies for navigating them.