Bert Peluso Research Fund

Nearly four decades ago, Bert and Karen Peluso started what is now NF Northeast with a mission to find therapies and cures for neurofibromatosis (NF) and allied disorders, as well as to provide patient education, resources, and advocacy. In 1990, NF Northeast awarded its first research grant of $200,000 to Dr. James Gusella, Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School. Since that time, NF Northeast has invested several million dollars in NF research.

Bert Peluso was dedicated to helping patients with NF, and passionate about research. He was relentless in his commitment to transform the diagnosis and treatment of the disorder. This sense of urgency motivated both Bert and Karen to raise seed funding to establish the Harvard Medical School Center for NF and Allied Disorders in 2002.

Bert passed away in October 2023, and, in loving memory, NF Northeast and the Peluso family, established the Bert Peluso Research Fund Award to support NF research in his name.

Photo of Karen and Bert Peluso

To carry on Bert’s legacy, we strive to raise these research award funds annually, and will be awarding NF investigators with funds to carry forward their work. If you are interested in supporting the fund, please go to our home page and click on the Support Us button in the upper right-hand corner. You will be able to choose the Bert Peluso Research Fund when you hit the designation drop down menu.

If you are an NF researcher seeking funding for a project, please send your inquire to: