Tuesday Takeaways is a new four-part lunch and learn series beginning in February of 2023! These one-hour educational lunchtime sessions are geared towards learning about updates and relevant information in our NF community.
For our first session, we’re welcoming Dr. Vanessa Merker, a health services researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Merker will explain the best ways to navigate the clinicaltrials.gov website and how to utilize The Network Edge, a publication that summarizes and highlights results of clinical trials and other research studies for patients affected by neurofibromatosis & allied disorders. This is a great session to join if you’ve ever wondered what clinical trials exist for NF1, NF2 and SWN or how to find them!
Please join us for any or all of these sessions taking place at 12pm via Zoom on the last Tuesday of each month (February through May). Stay tuned for more information on future speakers!